On the way to work I pass a clinic with a huge sign that says "Low T". This new-age disorder has replaced "Restless Leg Syndrome" as the new made up thing that people think the suffer from. They call it Andropause (this is "male menopause") or Low T. The "T" is for testosterone. Here's a complete list of symptoms:
Fatigue, memory loss, muscle loss, weight gain, hair loss. Find me one man over forty who doesn't suffer from four of those five things and I'll buy him a wig. Hair loss? Really? They are claiming that hereditary male pattern baldness is actually a symptom of this disease. Whah?
Low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and depression. If you spend enough years being emasculated by women, subjugated by the boss, treated like an idiot by your children, and beat down by life you will exhibit all of these symptoms. Hormones have nothing to do with it.
Sleep apnea, prostate problems and osteoporosis. These are all serious problems, the cause of which is not low testosterone. They are each actual health problems. Diseases in their own right. If you suffer from one of these, go to an actual doctor and get help.
Wait a minute. Is this all some B.S. reason to legally get steroid injections? Why didn't you they so? Every man wants to be a pumped up action hero. They're going about this all wrong. The ad shouldn't say "Remember when you had the energy to [do a bunch of wussy stuff like be romantic and go to concerts]" It should feature Mr. T saying, "Wanna get ripped? Wanna bust some heads? Tired of takin' shit off everybody all the time? Then get your T back, Sucka!"
Hell yeah! Sign me up.